Earth bar – Hotel Hellsten – en
Luntmakargatan 68, Stockholm | | tel: +4686618600


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  • Hellsten Earth bar
  • Hellsten Earth bar
  • Hellsten Earth bar


Welcome to Hellsten Earth Bar! A secluded bar with personal service and a snug ambience. The owner worked as an anthropologist and travelled extensively throughout Africa and Asia. Artefacts from his travels fill the bar; African masks, drums and arrows, Asian cupboards, Chinese drawings all make this room very special.

The bar is a natural focal point. Relaxed and comfortable. The walls are decorated with the owner’s black and white photographs from his travels in Africa, the Middle East, Asia and the Nordic, as well as artefacts from his travels.

At the bar you can choose from a range of foreign and Swedish beers or have a drink prepared for you. 

Every Thursday the bar transforms into one of Stockholm’s premier jazz venues.

And every second Saturday the Bar is housing the African Jazz Club, with very different tunes and beats.

During the summer the music sleeps and instead the Earth Bar moves to the courtyard on the other side of the street where you can enjoy another very special atmosphere at The Patio by Hellsten Earth Bar.


Opening hours:

Mon – Sat 17:00 – 22:00

Sun 17:00 – 22:00





Over the summer, Hellsten Earth Bar moves out to the lush courtyard on the other side of Luntmakargatan. The African atmosphere is replaced with Mediterranean flair and we baptize the bar The Patio by Hellsten Earth Bar. This is one of Stockholm’s quieter outdoor dining areas for those who want to get away from the noise of the city. The menu changes to suit the summer weather and invites you to hang in the shade of warm summer evenings.


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